Our Services

ACTION receives funding from NSW Department of Communities and Justice to provide cost-free, independent individual advocacy for people with disability living in the Northern region of Sydney. Individual advocacy involves supporting people to exercise their rights by providing assistance to voice concerns, access information, resolve issues or to identify available support options. An individual advocate must be independent, only be on the side of the person with disability, and only represent their interests. It involves a one-on-one approach, undertaken by a professional advocate.

At ACTION our we are here to ensure people with disability are supported and provided with services that follow an ethical and legal process. If there are gaps in those processes our job is to highlight those gaps to the person with a disability or thee persons responsible to empower them to protect their rights.

All of the staff at ACTION have lived experience of disability or provide direct support to an immediate family member with a disability. Our Management Committee is made up of 9 ACTION members who are people with disability or people providing direct support to an immediate family member with a disability.


While we do not directly provide mental health support services, we work closely with a network of agencies and organizations that specialize in mental health care to help individuals connect with the resources they need. Our goal is to ensure that everyone has access to the support they need to manage their mental health and lead fulfilling lives.


We believe finding the right mental health support is vital to overall wellbeing, and we are committed to advocating and supporting you or your loved one to uphold your rights and ensure that you are surrounded by the right support. We believe that through collaboration and partnership , we can make a meaningful difference in your life.

Our Services

We offer individual advocacy for people with disability who are experiencing issues such as abuse, neglect, violence, exploitation or discrimination. We also provide systemic advocacy to influence policy and practice changes that benefit people with disability as a whole.

Our Committee Members

Clare Stewart
Clare StewartPresident
Betty Harris
Betty HarrisVice President
Debbie O’Flynn
Debbie O’FlynnTreasurer
Robyn Chapman
Robyn ChapmanSecretary
Serena Marinucci
Serena MarinucciCommittee Member
Rita Kolano
Rita KolanoCommittee Member
Fiona Anthony
Fiona AnthonyCommittee Member
Eric Cooper
Eric CooperCommittee Member
Alex Rosales
Alex RosalesCommittee Member


“Disability Rights are Human Rights”

“Disability Rights are Human Rights”

ACTION for People with Disability Incorporated (ACTION) provides advocacy and support for people with disability and support for their families.